
省略(Ellipsis)有一段時間成為語言學的焦點議題,出於時空經濟條件或個人書寫風格等原因,語言發展出在句子結構中省略部分已重複字詞的規則,而英文也不例外。GMAT的考試亦存在此考點,尤以平行與比較結構特別常見;若要探究其判題模式,應先理解其建立原則:「從一個子句中省略了一個或多個單詞,但在其餘元素組織的上下文中仍然可以理解語意」,簡單來說,就是省略後不會語意不清或存在歧異。本篇將展示GMAT SC題目中省略範例。
Many house builders offer rent-to-buy programs that enable a family with insufficient savings for a conventional down payment to move into new housing and to apply part of the rent to a purchase later.
Warning that computers in the United States are not secure, the National Academy of Sciences has urged the nation to revamp computer security procedures, institute new emergency response teams, and create a special nongovernment organization to take charge of computer security planning.
不難發現對等連接詞and平行連接了至少兩個原形動詞,然而主詞是單數、主要動詞為現在式,因此不會連接主要動詞。那麼連接的對象,依照語意,應為不定詞to revamp。這時有個疑問:為何不定詞能跟一般動詞平行?當然不行,這裡如此構句,理由在於省略了重複的字詞to,依照美國顧問的說法:
To preserve parallelism, the infinitive marker TO should appear ONLY before the first verb in the series OR it should appear before all the verbs
Discussion of greenhouse effects has usually focused on whether Earth would grow warmer and to what extent.
這個正確句子用對等連接詞and平行連接了關係副詞to what extent(達到…程度),連接的對象自然會是whether名詞子句,但是to what extent卻沒引導一個子句。答案是省略了重複資訊,原句可延展為下列句子:
Discussion of greenhouse effects has usually focused on whether Earth would grow warmer and to what extent (Earth would grow warmer).
重複的元素為:Earth would grow warmer
In virtually all types of tissue in every animal species, dioxin induces the production of enzymes that are the organism's attempt to metabolize, or render harmless, the chemical irritant.
相信最為怪異的區塊應是” , or render harmless,”,觀察之,一個動詞配上形容詞,整個作為插入語並以or平行某個主要句子元素;判斷的方法:render為使役動詞(Causative Verbs),它配上一個形容詞會是”render sth. adj.” “使…(成為/變得adj.)”,從語意上會知道sth.應為chemical irritant,更進一步亦能獲知這個受詞的動詞是metabolize,那麼即可得出render是平行於metabolize。
原句改組:In virtually all types of tissue in every animal species, dioxin induces the production of enzymes that are the organism's attempt to metabolize the chemical irritant, or (to) render (the chemical irritant) harmless.
省略了重複資訊的to以及the chemical irritant。
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